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2023 Boost - Week 20#

  • How can I match a partial or substring in shell/bash?
  • What is "parameter expansion" and how does it differ in shell/bash?
  • How do I force a string into all lower/upper case?
  • How do I clear the screen?
  • How do I capture the output of a command into a variable?
  • How can I translate/convert characters in a string?
  • How are ASCII characters ordered?
  • What is the difference between a "letter", "character", and a "rune"?
  • How do "pattern matching" and "regular expressions" differ?
  • How do I match a single character in "pattern matching"?
  • How do I match zero or more characters in "pattern matching"?
  • How do I match a range of characters in "pattern matching"?
  • How do I match a class of characters in "pattern matching"?
  • How do I negate a range in "pattern matching"?
  • How do I use regular expressions with shell/bash?