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2023 Boost - Week 2#


This week we learn about terminal and command line interfaces, containers and virtual machines and start using Podman Desktop and podman command for the first time.

  1. Use command search to open a bash terminal (in full screen if prefer)
  2. What's a command line? Shell?
    1. What's a prompt?
      1. Why simple prompts are best?
    2. What's a command?
    3. What is a REPL?
    4. What's an argument?
    5. What is a switch, flag, and/or option?
    6. Difference between "terminal" and "command line"
  3. What's a file system? Directory?
    1. Rooted node tree data structure
    2. "Everything is a file in UNIX/Linux" (inode specifically)
  4. Learn bash shell navigation?
    1. exit - exit the current shell
    2. pwd - print working directory (show where you are)
    3. clear - clear the screen
    4. ls - list files and directories
      1. Current directory
      2. Parent directories
      3. Sub-directories
      4. Globing
    5. cd - change directory
    6. which - see which command will be run (if available)
    7. How can I find help? -h, man, info, help, apropos, whatis
  5. What's a container?
    1. ... compared to a virtual machine?
  6. Create and/or account (if needed)
  7. Start Podman Desktop GUI
    1. Pull an image
    2. Start a container
    3. Open a terminal to the container
    4. Understand equivalents from a command line
  8. Run a new temporary container with podman command
    1. ubuntu
    2. busybox
    3. alpine
    4. archlinux
    5. kalilinux/kali-rolling
    6. redhat/ubi8-minimal
    7. gentoo/stage3